Monday, December 17, 2012

Acadia National Park

One of my favorite places in all my travels!! Acadia is located on an island off the coast of Maine. The whole park is beautiful. The park has carriage, biking, and hiking trails. Their beaches are pristine and majestic. I absolutely love Thunder Hole! The wind wasn't right so the waves weren't huge, but just sitting and listening was a treat.
The Atlantic stretches on forever. The water is clear, and the waves and currents are stronger than any other I have every seen.You can see the bottom for about five feet then just a cliff into oblivion.
Maine and Acadia are like a home away from home for me. Who knows, I might just live in Ba Haba(New England way of saying Bar Harbor)ine day.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to bother you on your trip. First let me say how wonderful it's been for me to vicariously live through you and your dad on this trip. I would love to do a trip like this someday with Brenna. Secondly, I need to know if you're wanting to audition for region band? I think you'd do great with it. If you need music, you can get it from my teacher web page: , click on the advanced band section, and look for the pdf titled MS ATSSB Year A. The only reason I need to know is the deadline happens as soon as we get back from break and I know you'll want to practice the music before then if you're going to audition. Anyway, either respond here or e-mail me back and let me know ( Thanks, be safe and have a wonderful end of your trip!
