Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Mammoth of a Cave

We visited Mammoth Cave, and it truly lived up to its name! We went on a 2 hour, 2 mile walk. We had the funniest old man for a guide! He had worked in the park since he was 15.
Did anyone know that slaves worked in the caves to mine and produce the main ingredient for gunpowder? They were smart enough to make pipes out of wood to carry water to their worksites.
My all time favorite part of the cave was a passage called Fat Man's Misery. It was a narrow passage, about 15 inches wide and 5'5 feet tall. Just right for a midget like me. While everyone else was crawling and squeezing through, I just sauntered on through.
I have decided that I want to be a spelunker one day. Cave are so quiet and dark, I just love it! And they stay at a constant temperature all year long. Seems like I have found my favorite place!

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